Monday, August 25, 2008

solidworks tutorials

i found this interesting as we got to experiment with the fillet curve tool and show some realism into the model.

This was interesting as i had some difficulties in doing the last step, the bend. however after some help i was able to learn and understand how the tool works. but what really got my attention was the use of the loft tool where i have not seen in other CAD programs.

the handle was tedious to do as a lack of knowledge of the program limited my ability. however, after some help i was also able to learn how the tool works and also the similarities of the google sketchup 'follow me' tool.

1 comment:

intercad said...

I am importing an .IGS file into Solidworks in order to render it using Photoworks. Right now it always looks like the thing is floating several feet above the "ground". I physically move the model down to where the "ground" appears to be and render it and it looks fine, but if i rotate the view and then render it once again looks as if it is floating. . . Can someone please tell me how to "drop" my model so its sitting on the "ground"?.

Solidworks Course