my initial idea in experiment 1 was that explosions provided a sort of destruction whether large or small impact towards its surroundings. in found and custom clips, i explored this idea in how i can make a portrayal of that particular idea i was trying to convey. through the found clips, the explosions were controlled through the firearm, and in that saying, we as individuals can control the impact and size of explosions. however, mainly, my idea for the experiment was to seek the idea of how explosions can have an
impact around its surrounding no matter the size.
in experiment 2 i was given the % cuts of 71% and 46% of the richard goodwin envelope model. the two models have seperate characteristic in itself in that i wanted to convey the different ideas behind the characteristics and impact of an explosion.
46% cut envelope conveyed the idea of the path of the explosion from the centre spreading out in various directions. the loft cuts from the faces of the envelope provide a sense of 'leading out of the core' or pretty much how the explosion from experiment 1 spreads out like a nuke. through this we are able to see how the model shows a sense of the
characteristics of the explosion i am attempting to convey.
71% cut envelope however shows the destruction and impact of an explosion. the ripped faces and 'torn in bits' of the model show this and also the porosity of the explosion. though a series of extruded cuts i was able to do this, at the same time having fun experimenting the idea. the model looks in tatters and is quite destroyed, but in this saying, i was trying to show the impact of the explosion from experiment 1 on the environments surrounding it.
camera techniques were carefully thought of.
i wanted to show the
71% cut model animation from all angles as i thought that in order to 'experience' the full velocity and impact of the destruction of the explosion, we had to view it from all angles and gain a perspective of it. the 71% cut model
rotational animation shows how the whole model was imapcted instead of just one side or just one pont of view, making it realistic in the sense that the entire building will be 'ripped' by a nuke sized explosion.
46% cut animation was the
zoom technique in where i wanted to show how the core of the explosion moved throughout the model form a sectioned view. in the animation, i put in many views, from angle views to deep inside the core. the animation shows the section view and hence the path of the explosion, but also the 'other side' which shows how the explosion will direct itself (i.e. in all directions: top, right, left, front, back). and so, through this we are able to view how the explosion will act.
100% cactus model pan animation features the deffiernt levels and layers of the model itself. the animation allows us to view the size of the model and the key features it has prior to the explosion. the animation also shows the rigidness of the cactus model in that the building has a 'grided' layout towards its design, and through viewing the other animations, we are able to view the contrast of when the explosion is paced and impacted upon.
in conclusion, the idea i was trying to convey in the experiments was the full impact and nature of explosions and how it will affect the surrounding environment.